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I want to (programatically) get the most recent changeset for a user (specifically, I need the timestamp of when it was closed, if it was).

There doesn't seem to be any API means of doing this, unless I'm missing something. There isn't a way to get user UID from username (nor can I see a way to do this manually), and there isn't a means to get changesets by user, either by UID or username (if there was a way to get a user UID e.g. on their profile page, I could start with that, but username is easier - yes I know it could change in principle).

I can see how to do it - the main website does it - but it isn't nice, in that it means parsing a fragment of HTML rather than properly structured XML as the API would...

gives a fragment of HTML, an OL and the first LI in that has an A with an href of the changeset I want, which I can then plug into the API.

Is there a better way?

asked 28 Oct '14, 21:29

davidearl's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You should check the API 0.6 changesets method call: Link. It comes with all the details you're looking for.
permanent link

answered 28 Oct '14, 21:55

mmd's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 28 Oct '14, 21:57


Thank you, I completely missed that in the documentation

(28 Oct '14, 22:18) davidearl

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question asked: 28 Oct '14, 21:29

question was seen: 3,577 times

last updated: 28 Oct '14, 22:18

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