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Is there a way of finding waterways which have been deleted during the redaction process? (usually waterway=stream)

I have been checking waterways using OSMi, and have found a lot of them deleted by the redaction bot during the license change in 2012. Now, this means that the water network is disjointed in the map; unlike highways, this has gone unnoticed for so long that I can't find any post-redaction QA tools.

An example to clarify:

  • 2012: situation out in the terrain: Stream A flows into Stream B; Stream B flows into River C.
  • situation in OSM: everything mapped, but the mapper of Stream B did not agree with the new license.
  • the redaction bot cometh, and deletes Stream B (this is expected behavior, and I'm not asking about this)

  • 2014: in the terrain, Stream A still flows into Stream B, which flows into River C

  • in the map, Stream A now does not flow into anything, it just ends; it is not connected in any way with River C
  • I want to find these situations and resurvey, so that OSM mirrors reality again :)
  • This seems to be a very common occurence around [50N,15E], so I'm looking for something more robust than "just look at the map and see if it seems weird"
  • (Some sort of graph traversal comes to mind?)

asked 25 Oct '14, 21:41

Piskvor's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 27 Oct '14, 10:33

As far as I know we had post-redaction tools which showed where the bot was active, but I currently do not remember them, and I guess they may be shut down already (redaction is quite some time ago).

These general QA tools may help: (the one which you already used …) OSMI for waterways (makes it much easier to see and follow the waterways) and (for central/eastern Europe around Germany) Martin Kompf's rivermap (disjoint rivers are grey) may help.

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answered 25 Oct '14, 23:21

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 27 Oct '14, 13:00


I have initially discovered the issue while using OSMi; the rivermap seems to be the tool I'm looking for. Thank you!

(27 Oct '14, 10:22) Piskvor

A new set of inspections is now available in the OSMi Water layer, which also addresses this type of error:

( See also the blog post: )

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answered 07 Dec '15, 11:51

Piskvor's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%


Hi Piskvor, if the rivers or streams are removed by the BOT it has to be. The mappers who made them in OSM failed to subscribe to the new rules so the DATA could not be continued. I dont expect them to get a restoration. It would create the unlicensed import of DATA. Could you still provide a link to the region ?

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answered 25 Oct '14, 23:01

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 25 Oct '14, 23:02


as I understand it, the question is not about the undeletion/reverting of the bot but to just know where approximately the bot edited waterways and to re-map the waterways then from scratch (with own survey or bing). This may be okay, even without a agreement of the original mappers.

(25 Oct '14, 23:11) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thank you, I may have been unclear: I'm not trying to restore the deleted data; I'm quite aware they were deleted for a reason. I'm trying to find what really existing features were deleted, so I can resurvey them.

(27 Oct '14, 10:21) Piskvor

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question asked: 25 Oct '14, 21:41

question was seen: 3,401 times

last updated: 07 Dec '15, 11:51

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