Hi I used iD editor to merged two paths, which resulted in https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/198876031#map=18/24.99841/121.53625. As soon as I did it, it disappeared in iD. But it still renders in the "View" mode. When entering into iD editor mode, you see the label "Shueiyuan Expressway" briefly over an invisible path, then it disappeared (you have to start off zoomed-in enough). Thanks |
I suspect the layer=1;2 may be confusing iD (the value seems to be a result of merging). I've changed the layer tag to 1 and it now works. IMHO a clear bug, I would suggest opening an issue here: https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD (if there is none for the specific issue). (as a bit of explanation as to what possibly caused "layer=1;2" in the first place) I'm guessing that there were originally two paths, one with "layer=1" and one with "layer=2", and that they were merged at some time in the past. The main editors do try and point this out to users when it happens (so that they can correct it) but sometimes it gets missed.
(24 Oct '14, 20:36)
SomeoneElse ♦
Thanks for fixing this. Follow up questions: 1. How do you change it if you can't select it? 2. What's this layer attribute?
(24 Oct '14, 23:33)
I fixed it with our desktop editor JOSM, it might have worked with our alternative embedded editor P2 too, but that would have to be checked. Layer attribute: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:layer
(24 Oct '14, 23:46)
SimonPoole ♦
(for the avoidance of doubt) the "unable to select it" issue in iD is likely temporary, as suggested by aseerel4c26 above. To see the actual OSM tags in iD, expand the "all tags" section at the left-hand side. If you do that for a residential road, it'll still say "Residential Road at the top, but further down you'll see that the "highway" tag has the value "residential".
(25 Oct '14, 00:30)
SomeoneElse ♦
Ways should not be merged if they contain different tag values (which you can view by expanding the "All tags" menu in iD), as it is likely to break the map. JOSM displays a warning for this; maybe iD also should.
(27 Oct '14, 08:06)
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Could this be related / similar to the effect described in ways-bugging-up?