Dears, could you please inform me if there are an Api that can give us the distance between A and B using API? Like Google Distance Matrix API. Thanks. asked 22 Oct '14, 12:27 Danil Rudakov |
Yes, OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine) provides this feature - both for point-to-point queries and for matrices. See There is a public instance at which is available for light usage within the terms of use (see the OSRM wiki). An example matrix call would be: If you have more significant needs, you can set up your own instance of OSRM. answered 22 Oct '14, 12:48 Richard ♦ This sounds interesting, is this p2p only? How about for matrices, i.e. m2m? Also, is this using geo coords only? Is there support for addresses? Or a way to identify the geo coords for an address? Thank you...
(31 Aug '20, 15:27)
There is also the GraphHopper Directions API based on OSM data with a Matrix API providing times and distances. (Note: I'm the author of GraphHopper) answered 26 Mar '15, 21:50 peatar |
as far as i found OSRM only provides a travel-time-matrix (although they call it distance matrix). if i am wrong, please post, because i am looking for distance matrices answered 29 Jun '16, 08:30 gemerden |
Dislaimer: I work for iGeolise The TravelTime API can be used to calculate the true distance from A to B (rather than as the crow flies) as well as calculating the travel time between the two points (plus lots more). Sign up for an API key here. answered 16 Jun '16, 10:37 Louisa-maps Is the map data based on OSM?
(16 Jun '16, 11:37)
scai ♦
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