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Here in my town, we've streets named only by numbers.

But they look strange when viewed from the map if I only add their numbers. And by the other side I think that if I name it Street 10, for example, and an app add a "street" before the name, it would be like "Street Street 10", weird.

So, the questions is, should I name it Street 100, or just 100?

Currently I'm almost in for the number only.

-> Map in Question, with streets named in different ways

asked 21 Oct '14, 03:33

Eitz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Just out of curiosity: What is written on the street signs?

(21 Oct '14, 11:25) aseerel4c26 ♦

Just the number. This way of naming is pretty cool actually. Superb easy to find address as the streets are aligned to the avenue.

(21 Oct '14, 17:43) Eitz

Always use the full or official name (Rua NNN), otherwise we won't know if it's a Rua, Avenida, Travessa, Beco, etc.

If the street is locally known by other names you can use alt_name, short_name, loc_name, etc (see

If the app is including or inferring something that doesn't exist then it's a problem with the app (and not in OSM data).

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answered 21 Oct '14, 18:48

naoliv's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 21 Oct '14, 19:02


This was the answer I was looking for. Thanks.

(21 Oct '14, 23:09) Eitz

I suspect this is something only experience will tell us what works best, and maybe you will have to revisit the decision later.

Right now I would support your sentiment that the name tag should only contain the number. I suspect that this will surely break some address parsing somewhere but I can't see how that can be avoided.

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answered 21 Oct '14, 08:10

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


In Phnom Penh, streets are named in a similar manner and the locals refer to them that way. My advice is to use the form of the street name that the local inhabitants use. If an app isn't intelligent enough to prevent double words from displaying, that's the app writer's fault.

(21 Oct '14, 12:18) AlaskaDave

@AlaskaDave, you have a point. But here most of the locals just refer to them as, for example, "Three Hundred". The street most of the time is omitted. So, my doubt still prevails. What I was looking was some pattern to follow.

(21 Oct '14, 17:42) Eitz

Would entering 'ten' instead of '10' make a difference. That is using text instead of numbers. It would be preferable to label as it is signed .
...second thoughts....perhaps not... :( as scai has noted

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answered 21 Oct '14, 13:49

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 21 Oct '14, 14:13


Twohundredandeightyfour? No.

(21 Oct '14, 13:59) scai ♦

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question asked: 21 Oct '14, 03:33

question was seen: 3,213 times

last updated: 21 Oct '14, 23:09

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