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I am new to the project and decided to see if there was anything I could update on my University's campus. There is a new building that was finished about two years ago but:

  1. OpenStreetMap still shows the area as under construction
  2. Bing maps still has imagery that shows the area a construction site.

Meanwhile USGS Large Scale Imagery shows the building fully constructed as well as the grass around the building matured.

My question is: is it bad practice to edit the map based on the USGS Large Scale Imagery? Is the default Bing? Would this cause confusion?

Thanks for any help I really like the project.

Edit: The area in question is here

asked 17 Oct '14, 20:22

chpwssn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Oct '14, 20:23

OpenStreetMap strives to make as accurate a map as possible, we certainly don’t expect to follow imagery that is out of date. You can use any source of imagery that has given permission to copy into OSM. The licence for USGS imagery depends on the location, according to Fort Collins is public domain, which means you can go ahead and use it.

permanent link

answered 17 Oct '14, 20:46

Wynndale's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%


Awesome, I suppose I didn't realize that OSM isn't really supposed to be used for satellite view maps. The satellite views are just used to edit the map correct?

(17 Oct '14, 20:48) chpwssn

It’s an extra; OSM is build by participants adding coordinates or trails collected by GPS. The aerial views are not always right or dependable; they tend to shift here and there. Just try to zoom in or out and you’ll notice some differenties. You could start in your own backyard or neighbourhood checking out names and other details, just using your own eyes.

(17 Oct '14, 22:39) Hendrikklaas

Actually, the use of the satellite maps is the only way to add data in areas where there are few OSM contributors. I work in Thailand where large areas are unmapped and are too far away to be visited personally. Probably 70% of the initial mapping I do relies on Bing imagery. Later, when and if I'm in the area, I'll field check and verify that data with my GPS. Cheers

(18 Oct '14, 02:32) AlaskaDave

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question asked: 17 Oct '14, 20:22

question was seen: 3,212 times

last updated: 18 Oct '14, 02:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum