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How do I connect the node "brun cornet to N58" but there is a restriction of traffic now. At the entrance coming from N58 have been blocked with a concrete ridge so normal cars cannot drive anymore. Bike, horses, foot, agriculture vehicles are allowed. What must I put at the entrance other side ?

asked 17 Oct '14, 11:54

Jakka's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Oct '14, 13:42

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

A motorcar=no would be enough from a legal/routing persepective, however I would suggest mapping the ridge as a barrier too (as in; you are not only not allowed to drive through here, your car won't survive it either :-)).

permanent link

answered 17 Oct '14, 13:02

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks @SimonPoole , Set point "barrier" "block" and "motor_vehicle" "no" Where can I see, trying out if the correction are what it must be in reality?

(17 Oct '14, 15:28) Jakka

You might try OSRM or Graphhopper, but be aware they it might take a day or so before they have updated their database with the changes you have made on OSM.

(17 Oct '14, 16:35) escada

… OSRM's data version is displayed via the gear icon in the lower right corner

(17 Oct '14, 17:22) aseerel4c26 ♦

Update of map OSRM was done on 141017 09:00Z Looks good. for cars. How testing it for bicycles? Menu on top gives only cars (fastest) Clicking on V nothing else is there?

link text

(18 Oct '14, 10:09) Jakka

graphhopper supports bicycle routing, but no turn restrictions yet. Maybe

(18 Oct '14, 10:33) escada

You could try the fast bike variant offered at

(18 Oct '14, 10:38) nevw

Thanks escada Data fill is still from 2014-09-02

(18 Oct '14, 10:42) Jakka has very widespread use and can use the osm maps but I don't know what routing engine is used or if the router routes using the osm data when displaying the osm. I have found it best to use in full screen mode.

(18 Oct '14, 11:35) nevw

@nevw: gpsies uses graphhopper (with no specific details available).

(18 Oct '14, 14:20) aseerel4c26 ♦
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question asked: 17 Oct '14, 11:54

question was seen: 2,419 times

last updated: 18 Oct '14, 14:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum