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I am running a tile server on an Ubuntu-based virtual machine and configured it using the guide the guide on It's just for private purposes, so it's not public. In the beginning, everything was just fine and I could import large amounts of map data without problems. Changes became visible soon after. I have done some minor edits to Mapnik's osm.xml file since then, changing things such as water color or label font size. Since a couple of days, my tiles don't seem to get updated anymore.

When I use

render_list -f -a

this normally gives me no errors. Well, actually that means it goes until

Rendering all tiles for zoom 6 from (0,0) to (63,63)

and then it gets stuck forever. Sometimes it doesn't get that far and gives me an error message saying

rendering failed with command 4, pausing

I can restart Renderd just fine and get no errors. I also often use

touch /var/lib/mod_tile/planet-import-complete

to notify it of any change.

Why are my tiles not getting updated anymore? I have my machine switched on for more than 12 hours and yet I see no changes on my slippymap.

Did my edits to Mapnik's osm.xml maybe corrupt the file and therefore make updating tiles impossible for renderd? Is my machine too slow and it takes weeks to render the whole planet? (I have 16 GB RAM and an 8 core CPU) What else could be the reason?

asked 14 Oct '14, 17:27

Maturi0n's gravatar image

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edited 14 Oct '14, 18:01

Rendering the planet requires a lot of resources, especially if you want to speed-up the first import. But if you say that your problem is only coming after a style change, I would suggest you to report your change on the mapnik forum (Search google) or mailing list

(16 Oct '14, 13:05) Pieren

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question asked: 14 Oct '14, 17:27

question was seen: 5,205 times

last updated: 16 Oct '14, 13:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum