If I'm looking at OSM, the URL includes a set of coordinates. I can just paste in the coordinates of the place I'm looking for and hit "Enter" and it'll take me right to it. Slick! However, the same trick doesn't seem to work in iD, even though the URL format is similar. It'd be kinda helpful if it did. Presently, I have to leave the editor, type in the GPS coords I want to go to, and then go back into the iD editor. |
Let's take the following example (Paris): http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/48.85623/2.34703
If you don't like replacing the slash separator, just create a feature request on github. |
typing in the new coordinates in Chrome on OS X has no effect as you pointed out. However, when I select the URL and drag it again into the address bar, ID updates the position.