I have plotted a couple of cairns that marks a path. But when adding them as points to the map, searching for 'cairn' (or 'varde') returns nothing. I suppose the cairn kind of point must be somewhere in the system? |
According to tag info there are 2 natural=cairn, and couple of cairn=yes (see http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/cairn#values), the most popular is man_made=cairn (1517 times) and landmark=cairn (73). I would therefore go for man_made=cairn (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dcairn) 1
I recently needed to add a cairn to the map. Potlatch 2 offered me 'man_made=cairn' under Man-made:Navigation mark, which would seem to confirm escada's answer.
(31 Oct '16, 10:59)
It might be useful to combine with one of information=route_marker or information=trail_blaze to show that it's a cairn marking a route rather than for some other purpose (summit, grave, random).
(31 Oct '16, 12:56)
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