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I have successfully uploaded GPX tracks to my private OSM server. While these tracks are shown as entries in the gpx_files table in the API DB, the have not been populated as individual GPS points in the gps_points table.

I understand that the points from all GPX files must be extracted and stored inorder for the API to be able to query them.

In my own openstreetmap website running on ruby on rails these tracks show a status as pending.

From what i understand in the code the deamon which populates the data into the database is not running.

Could anyone help me with the respective settings or changes that need to be made in order to populate all points?

Your help is highly appreciated.


asked 10 Oct '14, 15:52

Osm_Enthu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can anyone who has set up a private server and has populated gps pints from the gpx traces into the osm database please help me with this ?

(13 Oct '14, 09:20) Osm_Enthu

Hello, after doing some research on google i found out the gpx_import.rb in the rails website is not supported anymore, instead there is a c program to to do the gpx import

I cant seem to get this working either!

Anyone with experience regarding GPX import kindly help me .


(14 Oct '14, 09:28) Osm_Enthu

For all those who need to upload their GPX files to the private OSM database here is a wonderful c program that is extremely helpful

It works great!

permanent link

answered 31 Oct '14, 13:21

Osm_Enthu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Oct '14, 15:52

question was seen: 4,918 times

last updated: 31 Oct '14, 13:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum