Hello, could you please add highly visible marks for the London underground? Little blue dots are absolutely unnoticeable. It would be perfect if it will be like in Google Maps. Thanks. |
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Hello, could you please add highly visible marks for the London underground? Little blue dots are absolutely unnoticeable. It would be perfect if it will be like in Google Maps. Thanks. |
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question asked: 09 Oct '14, 17:52
question was seen: 2,875 times
last updated: 09 Oct '14, 19:54
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Does the transport layer fit your needs?
Thanks, but I have an app for iPad, and there aren't layers. Is it possible to add visible underground stations to the general map?
You probably ought to talk to whoever wrote the iPad app to ask them to change the rendering that it uses (or offer alternate ones).