The multipolygon wiki page talks about using ways and tagging the relation instead of the members. As I read it, this would mean that a building with internal spaces would be composed of multiples ways (inner and outer) and then the whole relation would be tagged as a building.
Here's an example of a relation I just did: Here's how it's rendered: That looks right, even though it's not done according to the wiki page (again if I read it correctly). Thanks for any help. |
The tags should be on the OSM object representing the building as a whole, which would be the multipolygon relation in your example. If you didn't do that, you'd have a multipolygon relation describing some unknown object. Data users can't necessarily use the tags of the members to determine what the relation represents. Also, keep in mind that something can appear to render correctly even if the underlying data is incorrect. Getting the underlying data correct is the most important, because OSM data is used for more things than just image rendering. 1
OK, so here's what I did (which wasn't clear to me before):
Previously I was trying to change the type of the MP.
(08 Oct '14, 19:05)
Yep, it looks correct now.
(08 Oct '14, 19:57)