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I have a given table in postgres with OSM data. There exist two columns which I don't understand. They belong to osm2po. They are labeled with "flags" and "clazz". I know, that flags describe the kind of road. It means, whether it is driveable by car, bike,... The problem now is, that I do not understand the meanings of the values in the column clazz. I just know that they also describe the road type. Can anybody explain, what the values like 12, 15, 31,... mean? Does a documentation exist where the meaning of the values is written down?

asked 08 Oct '14, 15:54

Bine169's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Oct '14, 16:05

Pieren's gravatar image


osm2po is not an open source project, which means that we can't look at its source code and answer your question. You will have to take it up with the author(s) of osm2po, via the channels advertised on their web site,

permanent link

answered 08 Oct '14, 16:57

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Ok, I will give it a try. Thanks :)

(09 Oct '14, 08:15) Bine169

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question asked: 08 Oct '14, 15:54

question was seen: 4,197 times

last updated: 10 Oct '14, 20:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum