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Hi, I haven't found an answer to my question so I'm posting it:

Is there a way to show OSM with a 45° angle, similar to google maps' 45° view but without satellite photo / 3D or 2.5 buildings? => Just a plain flat map as if it were in front of me, on my desk.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

asked 08 Oct '14, 12:16

Moumoutte's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have a look at OSM2WORLD or OpenScienceMap to name but a few from the collection at 3D in the OSM wiki.

permanent link

answered 08 Oct '14, 20:08

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 08 Oct '14, 20:12


sadly the non-3D tile server which is used by OSM2World's demo slippy map service seems to be down. That, indeed, would have been something similar to Moumoutte's idea.

(08 Oct '14, 20:40) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thanks to both of you for your help, I really appreciate. OSM2WORLD with Base Layer switched to OSM and hillshading deactivated takes me a little closer to what I'm looking for. However, is it hardly readable as the text looks strangely distorted (the map does too, actually).

I am working on a project of mine using Leaflet with OSM tiles.

Is there a way for me to tweak the angle (to get any angle) ? How is it done ? Are the tiles different, or is the angle just simulated in some way (it looks so, that would explain the distortion)?

Another question comes along: Is there a way to make the characters in names "stand" a little, in a way similar to the "HOLLYWOOD" sign in Los Angeles? The ability to give letters in words displayed horizontally a different angle would improve readability while giving a sense of depth. Does it sound completely unrealistic?

Thanks in advance for your thougths on this.

(09 Oct '14, 16:48) Moumoutte

Modifying the angle is not possible for OSM2World's online tiles. These tiles are pre-rendered for east, south, west and north. Other directions and angles need re-rendering of the tiles, which you could do yourself.

(10 Oct '14, 09:59) scai ♦

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question asked: 08 Oct '14, 12:16

question was seen: 6,806 times

last updated: 10 Oct '14, 09:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum