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This site contains a lot of nice information, and has an advantage over the forum that this information is shaped better. However I think it lacks a more active administration, which would help make it more user-friendly. Its own FAQ could be expanded to include information from questions tagged META, some features could be enabled, tags could be unified. And, most importantly, when someone asks an admin-related question, this question should be answered, the person shouldn't be sent to "probably one's best option --- an IRC channel". Although IRC's are great, a lot of people have never used them and may prefer the Web-style of SE-like services.

So my question is: who administers this site and whether it is possible to contribute?

Please note that a question with a closely related title relates unfortunately to a very different issue and was therefore never answered.

asked 08 Oct '14, 08:34

Kotya's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Oct '14, 08:36

@SomeoneElse, if you convert your comment to an answer, I would accept it. And also add a couple of remarks/questions as a comment :) Maybe you can answer one from the beginning: Does this site have an admin role at all? Or is it just a part of the OSM software, and so admins are the same here and there? If the former, I'd like to join to contribute. Sorry, I cannot guess who has an admin role here. At SE, admins are marked with diamonds. Here I haven't seen it.

(08 Oct '14, 23:16) Kotya

Regarding the use of IRC to talk to admins - if you want to talk to the admins that is the best mechanism because that's where the admins are.

Regarding "who administers this site" (and I'm sure that you can guess the answer by now) - you're best asking on #osm-dev as to what the current status is. My recollection of recent events is that OSQA needed to be upgraded due to an OS upgrade, that broke lots of things, OSQA was forked, the most serious issues were fixed (thanks TomH!), and that's where we are now.

EDIT: Converted to answer as requested.

permanent link

answered 08 Oct '14, 10:25

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 08 Oct '14, 23:58

Thanks for the answer. Now could you please elaborate: 1) Are the Help site admins the same people as the OSM admins? That's what was confusing me probably. 2) Is it possible to become this site admin without at the same time being an OSM admin? I would be willing to volunteer to help making this site better. And no, I am afraid I couldn't guess who the admins are (or do you mean no one?!)

(10 Oct '14, 08:00) Kotya

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question asked: 08 Oct '14, 08:34

question was seen: 4,410 times

last updated: 10 Oct '14, 08:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum