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To mark points it is convenient to hit the lap button on my foreunner 305. This is also recommended on the wiki. I haven't been able to get the lap markers to display in any editor I have tried (potlatch, josm and merkaartor). I have tried using the gpx files created by pytrainer, viking, and garmin_tools.

asked 11 Mar '11, 19:09

quantumstate's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

Can you provide an example file from the device?

(11 Mar '11, 19:49) Richard Weait

My quick tests with gpsbabel and with garmin_save_runs + garmin_gpx show no traces at all in the gpx files from pressing the lap button momentarily. If I press and hold the button I'll get a new track, but I can't see how this could be useful.

The wiki says: 'The "lap" button can function as a quick "waypoint" recorder but the device also supports proper waypoints (max. 100) via "mark location" in the navigation menu.'

I wish we could find out how to do this. The real waypoint function is hidden far too deep in the menu tree and is impracticable for mapping on the fly during training.

(11 Mar '11, 21:14) gnurk
1 is a gpx from pytrainer (in the ~/.pytrainer/gpx directory) which has the lap points at the end. This is the only tool I have found that outputs a gpx with lap information. is the import dump that garmin-tools generates.

I agree that the real waypoint function is not practical for mapping.

(11 Mar '11, 22:49) quantumstate

OK... Here's an ugly proof of concept-hack I've written that at least works for me in JOSM:

cat 7.gpx | sed -n '/^<extensions>/!{p;d};:l;n;/^<\/extensions>/d;s@^<gpxdata:startPoint \(.*\)/>@<wpt \1></wpt>@;/^<wpt/p;bl' > 7b.gpx

It transforms start points into way points.

permanent link

answered 12 Mar '11, 01:15

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


This works for Potlatch and Merkaartor too. Thank you.

(12 Mar '11, 09:29) quantumstate

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question asked: 11 Mar '11, 19:09

question was seen: 6,369 times

last updated: 12 Mar '11, 09:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum