Hello, I've just updated a speed camera information, I hope it is correct (the device and the relation) I want to reference others speed cameras, which displays the speed for educational purpose. I didn't find a way to tag them. Two methods exists:
How can I do that? Thanks Edit: What do you think of it? |
Hi Nico, what do you mean a traffic_enforcement radar post with a smiley? If so I would use a combination of traffic_calming=speed_radar with speed_radar=educational, just to specify the technique of the post. Read these lines as well http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Proposed_features/Relation:enforcement there has been some lines about it. Talk to your local community and make a proposal just to get it into the OSM rules of traffic_calming specifics. 1
Hi, with a smiley ?! I don't understand. Where is the smiley? I've just read the link, but I didn't find something about educational speed camera. Just about standard speed camera. How can I make a proposal? (I'm a novice) Thanks
(06 Oct '14, 21:33)
thanks, I understood
(06 Oct '14, 22:32)
@andy mackey: and I have replaced it (not respecting copyrights) by a link to a free photo.
(10 Mar '15, 23:34)
aseerel4c26 ♦
If you mean one of these they are for reminding over speeders, so don't tag as enforcement. I couldn't find any advice on these in the wiki. 1
I tried a few ideas here without result, you may be luckier. http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=+radar+speed+sign+#fulltext
(06 Oct '14, 22:34)
andy mackey
Hi Guys, most of the time these reminders are placed in combination with the real thing up ahead. Or just used to calm the traffic down on en schedule, here and there. So its key could be traffic_calming=smiley.
(07 Oct '14, 00:48)
traffic_calming=smiley? What if someone decides to use a rainbow or a unicorn instead? Do we tag it with traffic_calming=unicorn? We should use a more generic value instead. According to Wikipedia such signs are called vehicle-activated signs which is a little bit long. I'm not a native English speaker, maybe there is another word for it? Or alternatively just traffic_calming=sign?
(07 Oct '14, 07:38)
scai ♦
@Hendrikklaas (for the avoidance of doubt) driver speed sensors that display a "smiley" aren't ubiquitous. The more common ones that I've seen (in the UK and elsewhere) just display the speed - see Andy Mackey's picture.
(07 Oct '14, 15:33)
SomeoneElse ♦
meta: note: I have removed/replaced the screenshots of arbitrary images at google images (guess). Please respect copyrights.
(10 Mar '15, 23:33)
aseerel4c26 ♦
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Usually I'd use taginfo to see what tags have been used with what other tags, but unfortunately it doesn't show any useful combinations for highway=speed_camera, so I can't obviously suggest anything
There is a tagging mailing list - it might be worth asking here if you don't get a sensible answer here.
For those who don't know the difference, an "educational" or "informative" speed camera is a device showing your speed (either the real number or a symbol) but is not punishing (no fine/penalty)