A week or so ago someone pointed out to me that Quarry House, Leeds, UK was missing. It is a big building in Leeds and should be at https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/53.79827/-1.53076. I went into edit mode and found there was a building drawn at the location so I assumed it had been recently added. After a day or so it still hadn't shown up on any of the layers. I tried redrawing it myself but it still refuses to appear. I realise that it takes time for the map tiles to update but it has been many days now. All other edits I've done in the city have shown up within a matter of minutes on at least one layer or other. Have I done something wrong? Could there be a block on showing it because it is a government building? Thanks in advance. |
The multipolygon has no building tag is the likely problem. 2
Thanks Ed for spotting that. I thought it had started with one so it must have lost it when I connected the various parts.
(06 Oct '14, 16:07)
i faced the same problem when i created a building in JOSM. I used the PRESET to set the type of building. Preset used was Transport -> Airport -> Hanger This will set the tags with following values- building : hanger/ name: hanger A When i open the map in Maperitive, it doesn't show this building. However when i change the value of tag 'building' to Yes, it shows the building. If i create a building in OpenStreetMap.org with tags building: hanger, its displayed. 3
No, that's a completely different problem. The original problem has been about a completely missing building tag. In your case the building tag is present, but Maperitive doesn't seem to handle the value hangar correctly (please note it's hangar, not hanger). If this is still a problem for you then please create a new question. But don't change the tag in OSM, building=hangar is correct.
(06 Jan '15, 08:43)
scai ♦