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Does Anyone know how I can capture zooming operation? I need to scale an image according to the zoom. how is called this operation and how can I capture it?

asked 05 Oct '14, 00:58

scupetta18's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

So you mean something like this animated example in Openlayers3 ? (choose "Fly to Bern" there)

Getting such a captured animation based on OSM map graphic is a task that I am looking for years already.

Marble is said to have such a feature: you can define at least two bookmarks for two position, choose right animation parameters in Marble's settings, and by choosing each bookmark you get an animation with zooming out and in again. And in recent releases Marble has a video catpture feature. But it does not work on my Win7 machine.

(So anybode here who manages to capture a video in Marble on windows (also Linux reports would be nice) please give a step-by-step how-to here.)

Then: via Party-Renderer I came across GPX-animator ... but no panning / zooming features there?

Some guys in the OSM 3D forum (see also 3D Development) are doing things with Blender ... maybe we can feed blender with a simple OSM based map and capture any zooming/panning? Just seen: there is an OSM import plugin!!

Furthermore there are noumerous frameworks that are able to display OSM based maps via WebGL or OpenGL ... search for Tangram, Avecado, MapBox GL or others (search OSM wiki) ... maybe they can do the required rendering and animation that is captured then easily.

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answered 05 Oct '14, 08:52

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 05 Oct '14, 08:53

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question asked: 05 Oct '14, 00:58

question was seen: 3,672 times

last updated: 05 Oct '14, 08:53

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