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I want to add points to OSM using API. Is it possible? If it does, can you give me an example?

For example if i want to add this point

name: Musen & Elefanten
city: Gotham City
address: Vestergade 21
longitude: 12.5699
latitude: 55.6774
category: pub

i can add it using OSM website... how to do the same through API?

asked 03 Oct '14, 10:20

Andreanovenove's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please tell us FIRST:

is that the only point you want to import, or du you plan a bulk import for many objects?

What is YOUR data source about address and coordinates?

(03 Oct '14, 11:32) stephan75

This query is also cross posted on the forum

(03 Oct '14, 11:39) nevw

It is not the only point i want to import, i plan to add several points. The source is a form, in which users add their own details.

Sorry for crossposting on the forum :(

(03 Oct '14, 11:43) Andreanovenove

general hints about your aim can be found in the OSM wiki about Imports.

Read all instructions there carefully!

and there are already some solutions maybe similar to yours: Yapis and

EDIT: also found one more opensource webservice:

permanent link

answered 03 Oct '14, 12:26

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 03 Oct '14, 23:04

My import isn't a bulk import. It would be a form (website or app) in which user insert LAT, LON and his details (name, city, address, and so on...) and then this is posted to OSM. Is it possible?

(03 Oct '14, 14:15) Andreanovenove

it is possible, as this exactly what the editors are doing.

The two examples mentioned above make sure that we do not end up with doubles. How are you going to verify that the POIs entered through your interface do not already exist in OSM ?

You will not be able to do this automatically, a manual review has to take place before uploading any data to OSM.

(03 Oct '14, 17:01) escada

Sorry, i do not understand how the 2 examples do not need to verify if the POIs already exist.

(03 Oct '14, 17:07) Andreanovenove

IIRC Yapis is doing an API request around the point that is to be added to OSM, and thus the user gets a list with POIs already contained in OSM around his "own". Then the user has to decide whether his POI is already in OSM or not.

(03 Oct '14, 17:46) stephan75

The same can do my application. So what is the code to implement this? How to just add a point with LAT, LON and user details using API?

(03 Oct '14, 18:32) Andreanovenove

I would start reading at

Or see and look further for opensource software there.

(03 Oct '14, 20:33) stephan75

What I meant to say is that those two applications are written in such a way (or have a procedure implemented) that makes sure that they do not automatically add POIs to the OSM database. In this way they prevent doubles.

They do not have a special status that allows them to blindly add data

(04 Oct '14, 11:48) escada

Let me add to this list. Generates "notes" based on user entry.

(05 Oct '14, 02:55) aseerel4c26 ♦
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question asked: 03 Oct '14, 10:20

question was seen: 10,333 times

last updated: 05 Oct '14, 02:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum