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Hi guys! I'm trying to create some software for an airport and they require me to place icons of aircraft in their position based on GPS. I have 10x10 tiles each tile being 256 and the origin point being top left and measured in pixels.

This leaves me with a canvas of 200 tiles adding up to 5120x5120 pixels. I need a way to place an icon on top of a pixel based on GPS long and lat regardless of zoom! I don't understand the type of math involved as I have never done it before! The top left of the canvas is x:0,y:0. Can somebody please point in the right direction please?

the language I'm using is JS and its for a .net application in unity3d

thank you!

asked 03 Oct '14, 08:04

GPSNoob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Oct '14, 08:16


Sorry for giving no concrete hint, but:

your question seesm to be more a general GIS problem / task, and not about OSM in special.

Maybe you can get some answers here, but if not: try to ask at

(03 Oct '14, 11:35) stephan75

Oh right I see thank you anyway I'll post it to gis!

(03 Oct '14, 18:39) GPSNoob

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question asked: 03 Oct '14, 08:04

question was seen: 8,933 times

last updated: 03 Oct '14, 18:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum