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I am a mentor for a local school who are involved with the charity, AppsForGood. As part of their work, students have to come up with app ideas that can be developed with a partnering app development firm.

As a mentor, my role is to support the students with their ideas and help them execute the apps efficiently. One group is looking to create a bridleway app. They have found the website that outlines all bridleways in the UK, utilising the Open Street Maps service. What I want to know is, is it possible for a development firm to use this existing data to create the app? I don't need the ins and outs of how to do it, but I need to know whether the students could use existing data or have to input all bridleways themselves - which is obviously a key factor when deciding whether they should run with this idea or not.

Any help greatly appreciated.


asked 02 Oct '14, 16:41

bdplumb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, you can use the underlying OSM data. I don't know whether they have used other data sources for their map. If they did, you have to ask the copyright owners of that data for permission.

See the wiki for developers for more information on using the OSM data in your application.

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answered 02 Oct '14, 17:08

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 02 Oct '14, 17:09

Whether they can use "this existing data" (i.e. the data as presented by , including the style of the underlying map tiles) I'm not sure - the tiles are hosted at Mapbox (a company separate from OpenStreetMap, that offers services using OpenStreetMap data and knowledge) and the tile style may be one of theirs. However as @escada says, the underlying OpenStreetMap data can certainly be used (see this page for details).

Your students would have to decide "what constitutes a bridleway" of course - it might be "something the physically looks like a bridleway" or "something that has the legal status of Public Bridleway", or perhaps some combination (which is what looks like it is showing).

(02 Oct '14, 20:15) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 02 Oct '14, 16:41

question was seen: 3,575 times

last updated: 02 Oct '14, 20:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum