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Hi, thank you for any help. How do download bus stations with geolocation? I need list bus stations and to geolocations (POI).

For example: Ginnheim, 50.1405127, 8.646109; Niddapark, 50.1438225, 8.6421729; Römerstadt, 50.1533931, 8.6381724; Nordwestzentrum, 50.1579072, 8.6347154; Heddernheimer Landstraße, 50.1637958, 8.6348233; ...

This is done manually.

I need a list automatically.

Thank you.

asked 02 Oct '14, 13:29

houmerope's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Oct '14, 15:10

With this Overpass query , you can download all bus stops. I've tried to include both the old tagging scheme (highway=bus_stop) and the newer (public transport). Maybe you have to tweak the query a bit for your needs. The data can be downloaded in a number of formats.

I hope this helps

permanent link

answered 02 Oct '14, 16:57

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Great I need an advice. I entered... <query type="node"> <has-kv k="railway" v="halt"/> <bbox-query {{bbox}}=""/> </query>

I wanted to find all U bahn stations, but the script found S-bahn stops too. Is there a script that lists only the session?

Session: U-Bahn Frankfurt (Main) (168034)

(02 Oct '14, 21:12) houmerope

Dear houmerope,

as you want to work with data from Germany, maybe you are also german speaking ...

in this case I would recommend to ask further more detailed questions about getting certain data via any api at the high-traffic German subforum at ... be welcome there!

Use your OSM account like on this FAQ site to log in there.

(03 Oct '14, 08:41) stephan75

Is that correct? (rel(387071);>>)->.a;(node.a[highway=bus_stop]; node.a[railway=halt]; node.a[railway=tram_stop]; >;); out meta; (rel(172258);>>)->.a;(node.a[highway=bus_stop]; node.a[railway=halt]; node.a[railway=tram_stop]; >;); out meta; (rel(168034);>>)->.a;(node.a[highway=bus_stop]; node.a[railway=halt]; node.a[railway=tram_stop]; >;); out meta;

what is node.a[public_transport~"^(stop_position|platform)$"] ?? Thanks

(03 Oct '14, 08:59) houmerope

all nodes that are either a tagged with public_transport=stop_position or public_transport=platform | stands for "or" ;
"^" for start of the string; $ for end of the string

The new tagging schema for public transport does not use the highway=bus_stop notation.

(03 Oct '14, 09:10) escada

I have a problem..

I need a lot of sessions and overpass turbo show me the error that there is much.

One relation - (rel(3335256);>>)->.a;(node.a[highway=bus_stop]; node.a[railway=halt]; node.a[railway=tram_stop]; node.a[railway=station];>;); out meta;

How do I make multiple relations?

Problem is in

Public transport in Helsinki has not one relation but very much. Do you know of any solutions ? Thank you

(07 Oct '14, 18:09) houmerope

If you need all public transport information without a city border, it might be better to search for all such items within the city in one query. I'm not sure about the syntax, but it is possible to search within an area

(08 Oct '14, 04:25) escada
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question asked: 02 Oct '14, 13:29

question was seen: 13,263 times

last updated: 08 Oct '14, 04:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum