I'm Using http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi?[maxspeed=][bbox=42.378275,-71.089182,42.378475,-71.089382] URL to get max speed but its not work. Can any buddy suggest me the right way. From where i can create api for the same?
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http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/XAPI_Compatibility_Layer Check the link above ... it even has an example for maxspeed and bbox. Change way to * if you also want nodes and relations. Btw: this page is horrible to use on a mobile device!! Thank you. This is helpful for me.
(06 Oct '14, 11:04)
Omkar Bodke
Please tell us in detail WHAT does not work!
Do you think that a mechanic can help you if you tell him just: "my car does not drive" ??
Have you tried already http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_Turbo ? Read about all its features in the OSM wiki and built-in help pages.
I'm using this link to get maxspeed limit of road but is gives error like The data is made available under ODbL.
Error: line 4: static error: The value of attribute "n" of the element "bbox-query" must always be greater or equal than the value of attribute "s".
Error: line 10: static error: The value of attribute "n" of the element "bbox-query" must always be greater or equal than the value of attribute "s".
Error: line 17: static error: The value of attribute "n" of the element "bbox-query" must always be greater or equal than the value of attribute "s".
Your bounding box is wrong. The numbers must be left,bottom,right,top.
The correct URL would be
(second and forth number switched) but it doesn't return any elements because the bounding box you chose doesn't contain elements with a maxspeed tag. In fact, the bbox is somewhere in Antarctica. Did you mix lat and lon, too? In that case try this URL instead which returns data from Boston:http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi?*[bbox=-71.089382,42.378275,-71.089182,42.378475][maxspeed=*]
Ohhh. This issue not allow me to go forward. http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi?[bbox=-77.015412,38.889732,-77.015212,38.889932][maxspeed=] why this not return any maxspeed?
Because your version is missing two "*" characters when compared to scai's version? Or is that just a "copy and paste issue" and you're actually worried that no matching data is being returned?
Actually its not working even if we placed "*" character. And not return any maxspeed.
Your bounding box (which is different to the one in scai's example above) is a tiny area:
The ways in it have no maxspeed tags:
EDIT: Clarified that the bbox used differs from the suggestion in the previous comment (just to make it absolutely clear!).
@Omkar The second URL in my previous comment returns two ways with maxspeed tags (http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/9429794 and http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/257681343 ).