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I have an OSM map containing maps of Aruba, Bonaire Curacao and a fraction of Venezuela. However we live in Curacao and would love to only use the Curacao map. Could someone please help me with the "extraction" of the Curacao map from this big map? I want to load only this map to the Garmin device.

In addition, I understood it is possible to have the map update anytime it is updated without having to reload the Garmin device again? I'll need some help with that too.

asked 29 Sep '14, 23:16

CTBV's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Sep '14, 00:55


please ask another question entry for the second question and delete it here. That suites this help site system more (more useful for future).

(29 Sep '14, 23:40) aseerel4c26 ♦

Is your question about a pre-made Garmin map (usually gmappsupp.img or loaded via mapsource) which is made by someone else or did you make it from the raw OSM data?

(29 Sep '14, 23:42) aseerel4c26 ♦

Ok it is a map that has been created from the raw OSM data. It has been created but I do not know how to how to exclude it from the other maps. I need only the map from Curacao extracted from the others.

(30 Sep '14, 00:52) CTBV

You could use one of the ready made BBBike garmin extracts but you will need to re-extract and reload each time you think it is too out of date.
You can save a permalink of the Curacao area at the bottom right for convenience.
The BBBike data seems to be updated about once per week.

permanent link

answered 30 Sep '14, 01:58

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 30 Sep '14, 02:06

Many thanks I think it will help me but do you know what is the best formats for Garmin devices??

(30 Sep '14, 02:57) CTBV

BBBike lists a few Garmin types
File size for the area is less than a Mb, so try a different one each time you do an update. They are using the same extract of data from the osm planet file and rendering a garmin suitable map using a subset of data in different ways to suit different uses. Hopefully you will find one that suits your needs. The file supplied will be a gmapsupp.img so be careful not to overwrite others you want to keep.

(30 Sep '14, 03:21) nevw

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question asked: 29 Sep '14, 23:16

question was seen: 7,937 times

last updated: 30 Sep '14, 03:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum