I have the sony xperia tablet z2, and it has 1080p resolution I find that everything is too small. Is there any osm tiles for hi res displays. I want to use tilemill. I have found the osm styles online. Does anyone know where to get any for hi resolution. |
You can search all known OSM knowledge sources about "retina" ... there are some more hits in general. About tilemill (that seems to be renamed to "Mapbox Studio" recently): Ask the guys from mapbox.com directly. and if I am not wrong, geofabrik.de was also dealing with retina tiles. or see Nik4 where you can specify the dpi value for produced OSM based tiles. |
There is the older question tiles-for-hires-device about nearly the same sony tablet. However, no answer for tilemill. If you search for a solution in tilemill only, please add it to the title and tags of this question.