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Maybe a stupid question, but I really can't find out how to add text to a map using uMap. For instance I would like to place a marker, called NameX (for instance). So when you open the map you will see the marker with the name directly appearing. I also would like to add text to kml or gpx files I import, so I know which routes this are, without first having to click on the route.

Is this possible ?

Thanks, Robert

asked 27 Sep '14, 16:45

Roby44's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Sep '14, 18:33

Anybody who can help me out with this?


(28 Sep '14, 13:15) Roby44

Answer: Add a marker give it a title and text. Then go to the Layer properties of the layer your marker belongs to and under advanced option (Erweiterte Eigenschaften) you'll find an option always show title.

Have fun with uMap! I love it!

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answered 04 Dec '14, 21:01

Pascal%20Mages's gravatar image

Pascal Mages
accept rate: 0%

The easiest was to produce a map with custom annotation is to use an uMap instance, for example

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answered 27 Sep '14, 17:00

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 27 Sep '14, 17:01


Hi, thanks. That is exactly what i am using, but I can't find how to add text to a marker or kml or gpx.

(27 Sep '14, 17:59) Roby44

@Roby44: so your question is about uMap, right? Please add it to the title and tags.

(27 Sep '14, 18:19) aseerel4c26 ♦

Ok, added it to title and tags

(27 Sep '14, 18:35) Roby44

See the article about uMap in the OSM wiki ...

there is a section called "Feedback and Help" ... try to aks there, e.g. in the IRC channel

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answered 30 Sep '14, 19:29

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 27 Sep '14, 16:45

question was seen: 8,356 times

last updated: 04 Dec '14, 21:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum