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I am able to load self-created aerial Imagery (WMS or TMS) on JOSM for editing with, How can I load this imagery to mapnik o how to see it on my nominatim webpage?

Edit: I'm using a virtualBox with ubuntu 14.04 Lts over windows 7 professional. I installed my tile server following and I browsed to localhost/osm/slippy.html and I saw my imported country map just fine.

At this point I was needing a way to search for address or a place I have added to my local osm data, so I decide to install Nominatin and after several hours trying to compile it, I could compile the source Nominatin-2.2.0, the other source I found in many tutorials won compile fauling the ./autoconfig command. Later after hours of trial and error I could change the niminatim tile.js to point to my recent installed tile server (could not find an explained instructions to do that). After I get Nominating working I could browse to localhost/nominatim (nominatim webpage) and see my tiles and I could make searches to my local data for address and places.

At this point I need a way to edit the map of my server so I decided to install the RailsPort. I did it but nither in these help or in google I could find how to point the RailsPort to my server so the maps I see when I browse localhost:3000 is the data from (if you have any instructions for these please send them). As I failed to use the RailsPort I decided to use offline editing with JOSM, so I downloaded my area of interest, show the imagery and edit the map, reimported the osm data to my local server, the same to Nominatim and whe browse to localhost/nominatim I could see my edits.

Finally I need to see imagery (I will take aerial photos) in my localhost/nominatim togheter with mapnik tiles.

If there is a better way to do what I want to do, please tell me.

asked 24 Sep '14, 14:29

eyemax's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Sep '14, 05:32


Please EDIT your question and tell us in detail:

What framework do you use to display map tiles rendered by mapnik? OpenLayers, Leaflet or something else?

What is exactly "your nominatim webpage"?

(24 Sep '14, 17:08) stephan75

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question asked: 24 Sep '14, 14:29

question was seen: 3,656 times

last updated: 25 Sep '14, 05:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum