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Searching for 'Ridgefield'

Results in:

  • Town Ridgefield, Fairfield County, United States of America ...
  • City Ridgefield, Clark County, Washington, United States of America

Other Ridgefield's show the State, but the State seems missing from most of Connecticut's results. Is the state boundary intact / closed? How can one tell?

asked 23 Sep '14, 22:42

brianegge's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 25 Sep '14, 16:02

Pieren's gravatar image


The Connecticut border is currently complete so that is not the issue.

(24 Sep '14, 11:05) SimonPoole ♦

I can't find the reason either. In Nominatim's internal representation Connecticut has similar properties like other states (e.g. New Jersey) except that the Parent Of section is completely missing. Maybe Nominatim had some problems processing the relation?

(24 Sep '14, 12:29) scai ♦

There seems to be an issue with CT in the nominatim DB, it is being looked in to.

(24 Sep '14, 17:59) SimonPoole ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by Pieren 25 Sep '14, 16:02

Works now.

The issue seems to have been that when the data was imported in to the current nominatim instance the border was broken leading to it missing alltogether.

Note: I'm just playing the messenger here, the nominatim sys admins and devs did the work.

permanent link

answered 25 Sep '14, 09:42

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 25 Sep '14, 14:41

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question asked: 23 Sep '14, 22:42

question was seen: 1,831 times

last updated: 25 Sep '14, 16:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum