This is a great place. I love stackoverflow and I thus already love But what about Is this replacing forum dot? If so, is the content being carried over? If not, what about the part of the community that lives there? asked 10 Jul '10, 11:21 mvexel Andy Allan |
There's plenty of things that need discussing that aren't suited for this help system - this is a way to find the best answer to a straight question, not for all the varied discussions that happen on both the forum and the mailing lists. is more akin to a turbocharged version of the FAQ from the wiki. answered 10 Jul '10, 11:38 Andy Allan 2
Indeed, they serve entirely separate purposes and in fact this question is an example of something that isn't really best asked here but should instead be discussed on the mailing lists or forums,
(10 Jul '10, 11:50)
TomH ♦♦
This help site will not replace the forums. answered 10 Jul '10, 19:30 Claudius Hen... |
I just came into and investigated the main navigation:
The first point leads to this forum. (This here is a typical web forum.) None of the others leads to any forum. I did not see any navigation choice to any other forum. If there is one, it is certainly inconspicuous, not to say well hidden. Perhaps the navigation needs a little bit of enhancement? I guess that otherwise some newcomers will post their first question here, unless they are unusually conscientious and read through all the FAQ first. It may be a good idea to try to retrace the first steps of a newcomer and see whether the navigation serves its purpose. One quick way to improve the navigation would be to put a global site navigation block at the top of the main wiki page. But since I am still very new and don't know the entire site yet, I will not volunteer for now. answered 28 Aug '11, 13:31 hgmichna And that seems correct to me. Newcomers are usually more interested in simple answers, not so in long discussions.
(28 Aug '11, 14:21)