A lot of bollards are pillar / pole shaped. But there are a lot of different kind of shapes for instance pyramid shaped or so called pig shape concrete obstacles. How to tag these different kind shaped bollards ? Specific or just bollard ? |
The tag "barrier=bollard" has already a sub-key called "bollard=*" documented on the wiki. I guess the best would be to split the current sub-tag in 3 sub-tags : one saying if the bollard is removable or not, one describing the shape (pole, pyramid, etc) and one describing the material (wood, stone, etc). I would suggest to keep the current "bollard=" for "removable" (for the ~3000 tags already in use) and reuse the existing "material=" tag for wood, stone, etc. Then propose something new for the shape e.g. "bollard:shape=pole | ball | pyramid | etc". But you should submit a formal proposal on the wiki first then call for comments on the tagging mailing list (subscription required) (archives). The full process of approving a new tag is not really required here since you just go at a very low level of details. You could also use the new tag directly with your favorite editor. But formalising your tag proposal on the wiki increases its chance to be reused by others. 1
There are lots of elegant shaped bollards in Tallinn & Tartu, like these concrete clogs http://www.panoramio.com/photo/104851135
(23 Sep '14, 13:58)
SK53 ♦
Nice, thanks I would expect them in the Netherlands ! Ill take them in as well, I never considered a proposal but Ill get the hack of it.
(23 Sep '14, 21:16)