I've a local installation of OpenStreetMap and Nominatim (currently only the Netherlands). Everything seems to work fine except the Highlight option and 'Search for more results'. Enabling the HighLight option doesn't add the 'nice' circle (no error message) When a user clicked 'Search for more results' an error occurs. (blank page) (straightforward installation, no edits to php files) Any suggestion ? |
Any related error messages in your log files?
There're no errors in my log file. I've discovered that there's a polygon (highlight) for a few POIs but a huge difference with http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org. I've downloaded my file from http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/netherlands-latest.osm.bz2, so I suppose that this could explain the difference.
Still no idea about the 'Search for more results' issue. No message in my Apache error.log.