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When I use "Save Picture" the resulting .png file is a small section (about 10cm x 10 cm) of the on screen picture. How can I save the entire on screen image to a file?

I recollect that when I first used Open Street Map "Save Picture" produced an image of the entire screen. Why the change? It has replaced a useful facility with a useless one.


Peter Knowles

asked 21 Sep '14, 10:11

PeterEltham's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please look at the answers to the question How do I export map images of larger areas? and especially at Bigmap (2) and its web service.

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answered 21 Sep '14, 12:54

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 21 Sep '14, 12:55

When I view '' and click on the 'share' icon at the right side I am by default offered a .png "1:7694" (1307 x 887 pixels) and this once saved and opened in Preview on my iMac displays at pretty much the same size as I viewed the image in Firefox browser. I can also change the "1:7694" to 1:4200 and it will give me an even bigger picture (2395 x 1625 pixels). I can also change the size of the Preview window and/or zoom in to the image to see more detail. If you use windows, the viewer you are using will do the same.

If instead I really do want an image of the about the whole screen instead of just a large image of the map showing on, I would use screen capture instead. On the Mac this is done by selecting Cmd+shift+4 and then selecting the amount of the screen I need. This will then give an image the same size as I captured.

...Or are you up to something different?

Maybe you right-clicked the image at '' and selected save image or similar. In this case you will see just an image of ONE of the tiles that make up the view on the screen instead of getting the whole image which is made up of many tiles all joined together.

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answered 21 Sep '14, 11:54

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 21 Sep '14, 12:01

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question asked: 21 Sep '14, 10:11

question was seen: 6,961 times

last updated: 21 Sep '14, 12:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum