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I did some good tracks by bike this summer, but I have no clue how to mark and share them in OpenStreetMap cause there is only opportunity to mark (new) streets... How can I mark an existing road as recommended as cycling road?

Regards Felix

asked 19 Sep '14, 12:03

Felix%20Schumann's gravatar image

Felix Schumann
accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Sep '14, 21:14

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

There are cycling tracks and cycling tracks, some of them belong in OSM, others not.

What belongs in OSM:

  • the cyclepaths and lanes on which one bikes
  • the signposted cycle routes

What does not belong in OSM:

  • you own favorite ride through a national park, following a mix of signposted paths and other roads. You can upload those to e.g. wikiloc. gpsies, etc.
  • Your own preferred streets for cycling (because of low traffic, etc..)

Assuming you want to enter signposted cycle routes, take a look at the wiki Cycle routes

You can see the existing cycle routes, e.g. on the Cycle Map

Feel free to ask when you get stuck with the documentation on the wiki.

permanent link

answered 19 Sep '14, 13:07

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 19 Sep '14, 17:01


As for a router that really looks at preferred cycling roads see by Richard Fairhurst. This router takes e.g. the maxspeed on the street into account to determine whether it is a nice cycle road. No need for special tags to recommend a street

(22 Sep '14, 09:39) escada

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question asked: 19 Sep '14, 12:03

question was seen: 4,738 times

last updated: 22 Sep '14, 21:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum