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I downloaded a town map in Israel, and saved as PDF. The only option that is opened in good resolution. When i tried to open it in Ilustrator, all text is convertd to XXXX signs and I'm not able to convert it into an Hebrew font.

Can anyone help?

asked 18 Sep '14, 17:12

noham100's gravatar image

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Hi noham, where did you find the map you downloaded ? Are you able to look at the map (OSM) in Hebrew and did you choose that one ? If not it could be an Illustrator problem, try another format to save the map before adding it to Illustrator.

(18 Sep '14, 17:39) Hendrikklaas

Hi Hendrik, thanks for the reply. Yes I'm able to see the text in Hebrew, when I open the pdf file with Acrobat Reader, but when I open the file with Ilustrator the text disapears and instead of letterers I see only X signs. All parts of the map can be edited but the text. The X signs can only be deleted. I tried to save the file in other formats, but the result, in terms of resolution was pure, compered to the pdf file which was very good. The question is if text is locked, and there a special way to deal with Hebrew?


(20 Sep '14, 06:35) noham100

Sounds like a problem with Adobe Illustrator. Do other Hebrew PDF files work?

(20 Sep '14, 08:31) scai ♦

Thanks, Do you know what could be the problem? I asked another person to open the file on another computer and she got the same reasult.

(20 Sep '14, 16:32) noham100

Hi ask here & the illustrator section theres an help section too, to get an answer what kind of files it could consume.

(20 Sep '14, 16:52) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 18 Sep '14, 17:12

question was seen: 4,469 times

last updated: 20 Sep '14, 16:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum