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i can download openstreet map data for whole planet from this link.but this link give only osm or pbf format. i need the map data in mif format. any link or any solution will be highly appreciate. thanks in advance

asked 18 Sep '14, 14:35

rabiul's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Sep '14, 16:41

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

Can you give a clue what "mif format" is? I've never heard of it; I suspect other people haven't either.

(18 Sep '14, 14:43) SomeoneElse ♦

Searching the OSM wiki for mif yields several pages about tools being able to read/write MIF (MapInfo Interchange Format) files. Did you already try them?

(18 Sep '14, 14:49) scai ♦

My client need the whole planet data in mif/mid format with terrain(places,airport,cloud) etc

(20 Sep '14, 07:24) rabiul

ok, we have places, we have some airports, but "cloud"? I'm not sure I can follow you.

What about buildings? If you don't need them then you don't want to convert a whole planet file either.

BTW: Did you think about commercial OSM services before? Some of these companies might be able to help you with your requirement, see for contacts.

(24 Sep '14, 19:42) mmd

Hi Scai, thanks for your response. I need map data in mif format. I have some renderer or software which is read mif file. i convert small portion of osm or pbf file in mif/mid format. But i need whole planet data in mif format.

permanent link

answered 20 Sep '14, 07:22

rabiul's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Sep '14, 16:26

stephan75's gravatar image


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question asked: 18 Sep '14, 14:35

question was seen: 4,040 times

last updated: 26 Sep '14, 14:23

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