Hello everyone, I'd like to include a few graphs in my Ph.D. thesis with GPS logs displayed on OSM map tiles. My question is how to correctly deal with the CC licence in this case. I've had a look at http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/en and http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Legal_FAQ and from what I've learned, my approach would be as follows: Include in the label below the graph a text like: "Plot of the GPS data of all driving logs. Displayed on map data from OpenStreetMap available under a creative commons CC BY-SA licence, (c) OpenStreetMap-contributors - see http://openstreetmap.org/copyright and attachment A". And add an attachment at the end of the thesis with a clarification that all graphs including map data are published under the same CC BY-SA licence + include the Matlab Code for creating the renderings. I'd deeply appreciate comments on what can be improved or changed. Clarifications and additional information:
For such questions, it would be more appropriate to submit your case on the dedicated mailing list: legal-talk@openstreetmap.org (subscription required, see https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/legal-talk) |
I am in the same situation: I use OpenStreetMap as the background for my scientific results. Based on the existing literature, the best I found is
(Fig. 1 in Vladimir Vukadinovic, Fabian Dreier, Stefan Mangold, Impact of human mobility on wireless ad hoc networking in entertainment parks, Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 12, January 2014, Pages 17-34, ISSN 1570-8705.) for an image with only OSM data. So when there are GPS points, or any other information on the map, I would go for:
Possibly with the link to OSM. 1
You're approach looks good to me (but then again, I'm the original poster). You may want to add links to openstreetmap.org and creativecommons.org though. https://wiki.creativecommons.org/FAQ#How_do_I_properly_attribute_material_offered_under_a_Creative_Commons_license.3F has helped me, so you might want to have a look at it. Cheers, Daniel
(01 May '15, 23:20)