in my android application when i take a picture the GPS read info of my position (lat/long) , I need to get the lat/long for my town and insert it to my database , I download my region file by mean of JSOM the file was in osm extention , my mind tell me that i need to write a program to parse this file (raw data) and insert the whole node's (id + lat +long + other info ) to my database is that the best solution ,becasue time killing me ! . |
It's not quite clear what your actual problem is. Your smartphone should already be capable of obtaining lat and lon via the integrated GPS device. Do you need the name of the town for the current position? In that case you can use Nominatim and run a simple reverse geocoding query. Do you need the position of a specific town? In that case use Nominatim with a regular geocoding query. |
See this previous answer to adding geo-tagged photos in Josm. that's not my question ! , my is how to extract the raw data in file.osm into my database
(14 Sep '14, 19:03)
you are telling us about two kinds of raw data: 1) photos with or without a GPS position that should be contained in the mentioned EXIF information field of each photo. 2) you have downloaded OSM data in raw XML OSM format via the JOSM editor. But we cannot give you more solutions about your "database" unlesss you tell us IN DETAIL what database you mean. Tell us more about your aim!
(22 Sep '14, 18:51)
if the gps as a fix when the picture is taken it should be in the jpeg's exif info.