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Is it possible to draw over the Bing street maps instead of the Bing sat maps while using JOSM?

I don't need a sat image because I'm tracing a route that has been drawn in Bing street.

asked 10 Sep '14, 13:40

Andrea%20Castangia's gravatar image

Andrea Casta...
accept rate: 0%

As stated here in the wiki, "the only legal use of Bing maps is to use the aerial imagery layer as background to do your own OSM drawing (also known as "tracing"). It is not legal to use any other information from Bing maps (like street names, street view etc). "

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answered 10 Sep '14, 13:43

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


Thanks for your advice. I didn't know it was an illegal use of Bing informations. I will use aerial imagery as background for tracing, then.

(10 Sep '14, 14:01) Andrea Casta...

The legal FAQ could also be helpful - it's one of the core principles of OSM that we're not allowed to copy maps that others have made, as maps are copyrighted.

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answered 11 Sep '14, 12:28

Lightsider's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%


An exception is the old 50 years+ out of copyright GB Ordnance Survey that we can see in the choice of editor backgrounds. It's called the NPE or "new popular edition"

(11 Sep '14, 14:37) andy mackey

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question asked: 10 Sep '14, 13:40

question was seen: 5,050 times

last updated: 11 Sep '14, 14:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum