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The village on Ruidera (Ciudad Real) (España) has any tag of village. The other villages has it proper node with a lot of information provided by the National Geographic Institute (Instituto geográfico Nacional). What should I do?

asked 08 Sep '14, 23:04

vfrico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Sep '14, 16:43

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

The only OSM object decribing the place you mentioned seems to be the boundary relation 341275 .

So it seems there is no single node (point) with place=xxx for that village. (verified via by zooming to that area, choosing wizard modus and do a query for place=* )

Either there has never been an node for that place, or a node with that information has been deleted.

The easiest way would be do create a new node and add all tags from other villages around, and adjust them to that place.

permanent link

answered 09 Sep '14, 13:14

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


Ok, I'll do that

But, Is there any way to look for nodes deleted on a region?

(09 Sep '14, 16:50) vfrico

Looking at relation history (, there was indeed a place node deleted a couple years ago (, it can be restored if needed.

(09 Sep '14, 19:34) Alecs01

Sometimes a node can cause problem when doing a search for a street. the street may get linked to the nearest town node, which may be incorrect. Some consider a town polygon only is best. see

permanent link

answered 09 Sep '14, 19:19

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 08 Sep '14, 23:04

question was seen: 3,133 times

last updated: 09 Sep '14, 19:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum