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I currently have the OSRM daemon running locally. I am not permitted to access this server via the Internet. I am running a demo PHP page that takes two points and returns a travel time. The php is called like this: traveltimes.php?start=26.4945,-81.8479&dest=26.1535,-81.8706

When I change the Server address and also the call to the demo address it returns a [FAILED] message. I need to be able to use my test script while travelling. What am I doing wrong?

$url = "".$args['start']."&loc=".$args['dest'];

asked 08 Sep '14, 20:08

anamealreadyinuse's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Sep '14, 21:14

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question asked: 08 Sep '14, 20:08

question was seen: 2,724 times

last updated: 11 Sep '14, 19:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum