Potlatch 2: (after not easily finding an icon for pub) I go to 'advanced' page and try to enter amenity=pub. However it autocompletes to amenity=public_building and refuses to accept anything else. If you backspace to just "pub" and hit Enter, it enters the tag as 'public_building'. If you try to click anywhere other than the autocomplete suggestion it deletes the whole tag. |
In Potlatch 2, pub is in the food and drink (2nd) section of the toolbox, on the left of the page. 1
True - but that's in simple mode; the question's about advanced mode (which you'll often be in if entering lots of other tags not on the menus, such as "real_cider=no" or "outside_seating=yes").
(07 Sep '14, 22:10)
SomeoneElse ♦
Well, strictly speaking pub nodes autocomplete to "pub" but pub ways autocomplete to "public_building" if you press return. However, if you don't press return, but "tab" after typing "pub" if doesn't autocomplete. Also for me "clicking anywhere else after typing pub" doesn't delete the whole tag. Depending on what you click on it might select something else, but the pub is still there. Perhaps this is a browser-dependant thing (it's working for me on Seamonkey on Windows 7)? 4
Yes - P2's logic is "enter to accept autocomplete selection, tab to go to next field". This has been a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" decision since at least 2008! https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2008-February/023680.html
(08 Sep '14, 00:44)
Richard ♦
I was having this problem too, and it was driving me insane! Thanks, using Tab worked perfectly.
(12 Jul '15, 15:47)