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The Wiki notes a barrier=guardrail but there’s no mentioning of the type of rail, single or double, wooden beams or cables nor the special element to prevent motorcycles to slide underneath the guard_rail. IMHO that’s the real barrier=motocycle_barrier. The Wiki notes barrier=motorcycle_barrier

Its IMHO no barrier but a gate(way). How to tag the specific characteristics of a barrier=guardrail or don’t bother ?

asked 06 Sep '14, 12:53

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 06 Sep '14, 16:14

nevw's gravatar image


Of course there is some potential for micromapping barrier=guard_rail (not guardrail), but I don't think is the place to invent new tagging styles. Currently there don't appear to be any commonly used subtags.

Note that there is an approved tag specifically for cable rails: barrier=cable_barrier.

As for barrier=motorcycle_barrier: Constructions designed to keep certain vehicles out of an area (bollards, cycle barriers, ...) are usually tagged as barriers in OSM, so the motorcycle barrier fits right in.

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answered 07 Sep '14, 08:58

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

Hi Tordanik, Im not an inventor, the objects are out there. Ill try to get them into Tagging. And the use or lack of tagging of these objects makes no sense or is not an argument. For instance theres no way, so dont go there, its never gonna be a way, IMHO go there and youve got a way from A to B. The barrier is no door or gate it looks likes this, the manufacturer site.

(07 Sep '14, 21:23) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 06 Sep '14, 12:53

question was seen: 2,550 times

last updated: 07 Sep '14, 21:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum