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Hi all,

I have a problem, I have a 4gb ram server and whenever I try to generate areas with the standard rules file the server kills the process after ~1 hour due to lack of ram- meaning it does not complete a full batch cycle.

I have tried with the areas_low_ram script which does complete a full batch cycle but most of the areas it generates are missing tags such as the name tag.

Does anyone have a low ram area rules script that completes a batch runs and generates areas with all the correct tags?


asked 06 Sep '14, 10:32

gmeister4's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


If no concrete help here, try asking on the discussion page in the OSM wiki:

or ask the author Roland Olbricht directly ... contact see OSM wiki.

(09 Sep '14, 12:47) stephan75

You were already discussing this issue with Roland here [1]. Why not continue working on that thread and close this one. Creating many similar threads is really confusing as nobody has a clue, which thread is still current.

If you don't find this help format useful for discussions, you might want to create a Github issue [2] instead.



(11 Sep '14, 19:13) mmd

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question asked: 06 Sep '14, 10:32

question was seen: 9,401 times

last updated: 11 Sep '14, 19:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum