I'am planing to create an offline android application , i'am wondring how to get data from the openstreetmap database also how to show the map on the smartphone . any links for android api will help . |
Two nearly identical questions from you: https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/36638/how-do-i-create-my-region-database-by-mean-of-osm-for-my-android-application The way that you can get your own OSM data into the OsmAnd app is to download the extract file for your region from http://download.geofabrik.de These files are generated daily from the OSM database. Then convert/process the data as your app needs to work well. OsmAnd uses a program they created called OsmAndMapCreator which you can download from their home page at http://osmand.net For you own app you'll have to decide what data from OSM you want and what schema your on phone database will use and then create that from the extract file for your region(s) of interest. |
Here are a bunch of previous similar questions - some of the answers might be relevant.
As ever the best way to solve the problem depends on what you want to do (Vector or Raster? Based on pre-rendered tiles or drawn on the fly? With overlaid points of interest or not?). Without more information about that it's difficult to give a more specific answer.