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Should pastures that are part of a farm (where cattle is allowed to graze) be tagged as landuse=farm or, like in parts of the Netherlands, as landuse=grass?

asked 20 Jul '10, 21:15

Sven%20L's gravatar image

Sven L
accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jul '10, 21:33

The "landuse=grass" in the Netherlands looks like it was done by the 3dshapes import. Any question about what they thought that they were tagging as landuse=grass is probably best directed to them!

(22 Feb '11, 15:00) SomeoneElse ♦

Use landuse=farm, or landuse=farmland if you want to be a little less ambiguous. They mean the same thing and fit your purpose exactly: pasture. See "Farm" on the wiki for a description of the current state of play.

If the grass or other crop is being grown in order to be mowed for hay, or it's public-ish grassland that doesn't seem to belong to a farm that livestock graze in anyway, landuse=meadow is a good alternative.

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answered 22 Jul '10, 10:56

Andrew%20Chadwick's gravatar image

Andrew Chadwick
accept rate: 25%

edited 21 Feb '11, 18:57

fluteflute's gravatar image



What makes you say that landuse=farmland is "a little less ambiguous"? It's an unnecessary tag according the wiki page which you've linked to.

(22 Feb '11, 13:47) Harry Wood

If they are part of a farm, then they should be tagged as landuse=farm. I'm not entirely sure what landuse=grass is actually for, as the wiki page seems a little short on detail.

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answered 21 Jul '10, 02:05

David%20Dean's gravatar image

David Dean
accept rate: 22%

I don't think anyone knows what landuse=grass is for, since a turf farm would still be landuse=farm, crop=[grass|turf]

If you need to tag a grassy area you are better off tagging surface=grass.

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answered 21 Jul '10, 06:14

JohnSmith's gravatar image

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I've used landuse=grass for "public open space" that isn't a village_green or suitable for sport (park/pitch)

(21 Jul '10, 09:33) Rowland

I agree. surface=grass is better than landuse=grass and means it can be use in combo with landuse=farm

(22 Feb '11, 14:00) Harry Wood

"public-ish grassland that doesn't seem to belong to a farm that livestock graze in" would generally be known as a common in the U.K. Commoners have different rights such as grazing, collecting wood, etc. and the number of animals and what they may take from the common are often quite specific to each individual Commoner. There may also be rights of access to the common to people other than Commoners under the CROW act. Commons are also often unfenced from the road, access to the "outside" world for the inhabitants (the stock) being controlled by means of a cattle grid. In my experience commons are rarely what one would generally consider a meadow - a rich and diverse habitat. I know we're trying to tag an area of agricultural land here but the tag should be meaningful and meadow doesn't seem it to me.

I would think that something like landuse=farm access=designated (although this seems to be focussing on ways) might be more appropriate for public-ish grassland.

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answered 22 Feb '11, 06:37

vagabond's gravatar image

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I suppose that commons vary.Yesterday I asked a member of the local gov rights of way team,why does Godmanchester have so much common/access land? she thought that it was because it was Great Ouse flood plain.You would not live on it,or only until the next flood,crops could be ruined but live stock would save its self or try to.Locals would pick mushrooms, blackberries and gather wood, hence land in common use,Pure bread locals have kept these rights in some cases.The commons are water meadows around here but we can only use our best judgement from what we know of the land

(22 Feb '11, 10:52) andy mackey

I would call it a meadow if its looks like it been that way for years and years with grass, wild flowers, thistles and weeds as opposed to a single seeded grass crop

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answered 21 Feb '11, 21:57

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andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 20 Jul '10, 21:15

question was seen: 7,703 times

last updated: 22 Feb '11, 15:00

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