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Hi All as title suggests - i want to get hold of a map that allows me to zoom in on a street on openstreetmaps and see the houses with numbers on... is this available as a layer from somewhere?

i have seen expensive maps available from Ordance survey etc but wondered if you can do it? as i dont have big budgets!

Thanks all for your help

asked 02 Sep '14, 23:28

danielrossthomas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I am looking to source mapping for Newcastle upon tyne and a 15 mile radius. Its for use in a small business marketing to identify house numbers.

Any ideas how i may come about this?


(03 Sep '14, 14:00) danielrossth...

yes, I'm afraid that area is looking pretty sparse for addresses in OSM: (link to OSM Inspector)

(03 Sep '14, 15:05) neuhausr

OpenStreetMap doesn't have house numbers for most parts of Britain. Some parts of London and a few other cities have been surveyed, but in general you'll need to pay for a commercial product if you want UK house numbers, I'm afraid.

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answered 02 Sep '14, 23:36

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks for the info Richard do you know which maps going to be cheapest option?

also wondered if its possible to use post office PAF over openstreetmap somehow?pelase excuse my ignorance if thats jsut simply not possible...

(02 Sep '14, 23:46) danielrossth...

How much data do you want & for what type of purpose? You can get an idea of how much address data is in OSM by local authority here: Most have little or none, but the polygons are shaded by deciles. There is open data for postcodes and some addresses (Land Registry & National Register of Social Housing) which cover about 16 million addresses in E&W but at best can only be located to postcode level, and there are some quality issues.

(03 Sep '14, 09:41) SK53 ♦

House numbers are available in the Standard and MapQuest layers from zoom level 17 onwards — provided that someone has mapped them. If no-one has added numbers where you live your best bet is for you or your friends to add the numbers yourselves. This is likely to involve surveying the houses yourself.

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answered 02 Sep '14, 23:36

Wynndale's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

there are a few simple products released in opendata from both the Ordanace survey free section of their website and at but you will need to work with the 2nd-hand data files to form it to how you want it, many have a geographic co-ordinate usally to the National grid.

Another really good place is local councils verious sections of different departments use detailed map or address lists. If there isn't an obvious option on a site try transport and planning sections for instance some have guide for other purposes. It is hit and miss what you get for a perticular council as some give nplg uprn's other just a map of wards etc. Some planning sites have plans submitted for view though the vadility of using these and the possible age of base maps is a area to be wary of if upto the minite accuracy on a fast changeing site is important.

National Goverment and property taxation sites like the voa (or if not working anymore go via to and start the checker from there. There are cavats places that don't do conciltax aren't on that list they are on the business rates if you are lucky. The other problem is data on split Houses of multiple ocupation (or HMO's) these are often listed by the pre-split address for the whole property even for expensive maps as substreets (the part above building number and street) are very hard to track as they don't need to registered in a lot of places and oftern need no planning permission or change the building taxes either. Some councils do have provisions about HMO's but not to have is the current normal. Campuses and business parks (with frequentchanges and meny sub units) could also be missed on these too. But if you need a start the above links might help you out for free info till OSM has finished mapping the world for you (we are working on it ;) ).

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answered 21 Apr '15, 15:51

Govanus's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 02 Sep '14, 23:28

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last updated: 21 Apr '15, 15:51

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