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Hi, I have been using OSMAnd on my Android phone for a few months. I have the World base map, the South Africa Map, and the local Contour Line map downloaded, so was able to use it completely off-line. It worked fine until a recent software upgrade which required that I move all the files to a different location on the SD card (/Storage/extSdCard/Android/data/net.osmand/files/osmand). Now I sometimes get the message to download the South Africa map to work in offline mode. The map files are in the directory mentioned earlier (World_basemap.obf and South-Africa_africa.obf). If mobile data is enabled, then it seems that the unit is accessing the internet (on a 2 hour hike, it used 48Megs of data). If I disable mobile data, then it still seems able to place me on a local map at the correct location. Any ideas on how to stop the unit accessing mobile data (or why it is now doing it, when this wasn't a problem previously?) Thanks, Allen

asked 02 Sep '14, 21:39

Allen001's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think OsmAnd gets confused from time to time. I have my map files in the stock location and it sometimes asks me to download them (even if the ones I have are the latest). If I just ignore the message, it eventually goes away and OsmAnd seems to work just the same as always (whether you consider that good or bad is another thing).

I leave data turned off nearly all the time, so I haven't had to deal with OsmAnd (or other apps) using data without me knowing or wanting. There might be a control for selecting no data. Only one I recall is under Settings->Navigation->Navigation Service but it seems like that should not affect map display.

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answered 02 Sep '14, 23:33

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

There is an issue for a quite long time already about Osmand showing that download button although offline map file is present for that region you have in display.

See Osmand mailinglist googlegroup for that.

simply ignore that button, depending on zoom level in detail it will vanish automatically.

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answered 03 Sep '14, 17:14

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 02 Sep '14, 21:39

question was seen: 3,710 times

last updated: 03 Sep '14, 17:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum