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According to the wiki ( you should be able to add a addr:interpolation tag to a line and make the value equal to a number. My understanding is that this number should then be used to increment the house values along that line based on the addr:housenumber values of the start and end nodes of the line. For example this line has a start point of 1047 and an end point of 1143. With the line set to have addr:interpolation = 4 I would expect to be able to find addresses 1051, 1055, 1059, 1063...1143, when searching for addresses. Edit-- I also would expect numbers like 1053, 1057, 1061, etc to not be found when searching for addresses.

Any ideas of why this isn't working? There seems to be some question of adding this type of feature back in 2009, but I can't seem to find any follow up as to if it was added or not. Am I miss reading the wiki or is it incorrect?

Edit: I found additional information at this wiki page but it seems to confirm my understanding of how addr:interpolation=4 should work, but I'm still not seeing the skipped number results I expect.

asked 01 Sep '14, 00:17

dbelcham's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Sep '14, 00:52

The wiki and your mapping is ok. Nominatim (the search engine) simply only ever implemented the interpolation schema with addr:interpolation=odd/even/all. Interpolations with any other value are ignored. The interpolation with a numerical step value wouldn't be too hard to add. It simply does not seem to be very popular, so nobody has asked for the feature yet. trac is the right site to do that.

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answered 01 Sep '14, 23:32

lonvia's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

Thanks for the clarification. I'm wondering now if I will request it. I found out our county has an open data feed that has geo-location for all houses and their numbers. Am considering setting up an import to use that instead.

(01 Sep '14, 23:49) dbelcham

IMHO it actually works, wit:

In general if you are testing / debugging searches with Nominatim (you don't state what you are using BTW) it is best to use the interface here

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answered 01 Sep '14, 10:07

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Looks like there was a change in there that I hadn't intended and it was making almost every odd number address (i.e. 1141) searchable. I've deleted the nodes and way and re-created them and it looks like I'm seeing the behaviour I reported again. 1047 and 1143 are search able but no address between them is when the way has addr:interpolation=4.

I did my editing in iD and had been using the main page for debugging the search. I used Nominatim this time and am seeing the same missing results in both.

(01 Sep '14, 17:11) dbelcham

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question asked: 01 Sep '14, 00:17

question was seen: 2,623 times

last updated: 01 Sep '14, 23:49

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